
Free Patterns

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Monday, April 19, 2010

EEK!!!!!! and Free Pattern

This weekend my daughter opened up her trailer and found dead mice ALL THRU IT! They must of gotten in some how over the winter and with all of the snow they couldn't get back out! As I was sitting making the cute mices out of muslin she was cleaning from top to bottom of her trailer! She threw out blankets and rugs and anything that those little creatures damaged. I felt sorry for herbut she was lucky they didn't eat thru her mattress or cushions.

I have been playing around with some faces for Annies! I made them into a FREE pdf file for you to download. 36 differant faces in all. Sometimes when creating a Annie the face is the most important part of a doll and these will give you ideas! Mix them up if you want too even!

Click Here To Download Free

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Camp.....Here I come!!!!

We opened up camp April 10th and I am so excited!! We had no damage to our property from the bad winter we had but we took a ride around and saw alot of damage to other peoples places!Trailer roofs were squashed down , trees were fallen over on trailers, carports were down  and damage to some that were on repair! I springed cleaned two rooms there already and will finish my bedroom and bathroom this week. Here is asome pictures of my Living room and Kitchen at camp.
I love crafting there and honestly get more done over a weekend than I do here at home. We are right beside the lake and I can look out and it is so peaceful and relaxing.
My last craft show is almost here at the barn and I made some more dolls and sweeper covers. Trying to think of differant stuff since Easter is over and this show is more about gardens and American items and everyday pieces. Have a Nice Day!!