Remember when we were little and the time and days went by so slow and it just seemed like it would never get here wish it would seem like that now! Now we need more hours in the day and it is already 4 months into the new year! Geez why does it go so fast when we get older??
We opened up camp already and am loving it! I love the weekends when we can go. I am hoping the price of gas dosen't go up too much more or we will have to go every other weekend . Our gas is 4.09 and they are saying it will be 5.00 by Memeorial Day. Hibby is still laid off and it dosen't look like he is getting called back anytime soon. oh well why complain nobody wants to hear about that. LOL
I am working on my items for the Barn Show. I am making Eagles now

I have 4 of these done and if I must say so myself they are all turning out great! I will have to keep one of these for myself. I also finished up some more Raggedy's

Love these little girls!