This time of the year I wish I could clone me! Been busy with the wholesale group I belong too and trying to get inventory for myself for the two big shows I do in the fall is keeping me away from the computer. I am not complaining I Love what I do!!!
My life is filled being a "Mamaw" to 7 Grandchildren.
I have been married for 42 years and have three grown children. I have been crafting for as long as I can remember working with alot of differant mediums and styles and 18 years ago I fell in love with the old grungy look called Primitives! I designed patterns for Primitive dolls and other vintage looking pieces. If you see something you would love to have just e-mail me!
Today we walked the short 10-minute walk into town to have lunch and do a
bit of shopping in the beautiful historic area of Breckenridge. I didn’t
expect t...
We are getting so close to Spring! I have Strawberries for sale in my
They are made with quality cotton fabrics...
Stop by my Etsy shop and check out all the kits ready to ship to you!
My kits include Valdani Three Strand Floss and #8 Pearl Cotton when needed,
the weav...
Such a sweet design featured on the cover of the upcoming *Punch Needle &
Primitive Stitcher* magazine, Spring 2020. To order your copy, click on the
Happy November first everyone! I'm still running on a sugar high, but I
feel the crash heading my way, so I'll make this fast. I've just added
Well hello everyone! It's been such a long time since I last posted. In
fact since Jan 2019. I know I said I wasn't going to post anymore, but
truth be...
I've been meaning to tend to my blog but it seems there's never enough
time. Today with all of the Facebook issues, I realize I need to do this
sooner than...
In an earlier post I said I was making a set of reindeer. An hour after I
listed them in my Etsy shop they sold! Now that's what I like!!
I just listed ...
Tickets here....
Have you always wanted to paint your own furniture but are too afraid?
Bring yo...
I don't have a great track record in the kitchen. It seems though that
every attempt at cooking teaches me something. With this track record I
wonder som...
Every time I walk in the back yard or look out my kitchen window and see
this little sunflower it makes me smile... It bloomed just in time for my
Saturday was such a wonderful pink-y, purple-y, just peach-y kind of day.
Yesterday and today are 30° COOLER with rain and thunderstorms. I think I
Better late than never! My Christmas eve post was a mess, I was trying to
do it from my phone and nothing was going right and I was just trying to
get som...
This is a picture of Lilly that just seems to say
So I will start with that and again SERIOUSLY
I have not posted on my blog since March...
The bunny trail is so short this year! Just 18 days until Easter. TEN
days after St. Patrick's Day! So, if you decorate for both, not much time
to ta...
Hello Dear Ones, it feels like months again since I last blogged. Remember
Rosanna from Saturday Night Live
and her phrase "Always something, every time I ...
This is a new show in the Las Vegas area that started last month. It's
located on the west side of the valley near Alta and Rampart at the
Suncoast Cas...
[image: 11058749_1109326232428471_4724200967940884636_n[1]]
Jan may seem far away but as fast as time can fly it’s actually around the
corner, time to sto...
With heavy hearts, we have decided the best thing for my health and for all
other circumstances of our lives that it is best to close our retail
location i...
No work today so I played around with my fairy village project. I made this
fireplace to go in one of my fairy houses. It's just made with a chunk of
Its been so long since I just got in the way. I have had a
bit of a rough time with my congestive heart failure and COPD,and then in
Aug I ...
Blogland.........Hello....... Its been a long time since i got active again
alots went on in my life.I recently lost my grandpa to small cell lung
cancer h...
we all have 'that corner' in our home decor
the corner that looks bare, yet we can't find
anything that works
without making it look 'junked up'
well, *we'...
Finally getting back to painting. I dusted off the paints and paint
brushes. And I am trying to dust off my painting skills. I think I have a
lot of...
My grand babies, Dustin and Brianna Nicole with Miley...sitting in Santa's
lap, an old handmade Santa I purchased from The Olde Green Cupboard shop,
one ...
Happy Thanksgiving!
Are you staying in your nice warm home and eating leftovers right now?
Don't worry, you are not missing the Black Friday sales. Toda...
Free Six Month Listing for your Handmade Shop on the Handmade Artisan
Enter to win:
Look what I won! Nancy at Victorian Motto Samplers had a giveaway on her
Nancy's Blog for this wonderful Trim Bag...and I was a winner. She has such
I am still sewing, but not getting as much done as I would like to. I have
a new little Annie doll that I finished up a little while ago. I call her
Here it is 2013 .....2012 is in the past. It was a very sad year for me. We
had 3 family deaths, 2 friends from church that were unexpected...numerous
Meet Martha the Crow!!!
I had such a fun time making Martha for my friend Sharon. Sharon has a
store called Shair's Crows Nest and she needed an "Official...
Shawnee State University
Portsmouth, Ohio
Professor Mirabello appeared in an episode of Ancient Aliens in 2011, has
written several books, and it woul...
U.S.A. Annie
This 10 inch handmade big eyed Raggedy Annie is made of dyed and
tea-stained muslin. Her face and feet has been painted and sealed. This
This old cupboard was in one of the sheds when we bought the house next
door to us 3 years ago. My hubby thought I was crazy for wanting to keep
it, but I ...
So I will most likely not be blogging anymore because I ca'nt seem to get
the problems resolved .No matter what the heck I do,I even tried starting
all ove...
My oldest son Zachary will be graduating 8th grade on June 22nd (OMG)
High school is just a few months away.........
I am full of all sorts of strange emo...
I can't believe how long it has been since I have posted on this site. I
have had several email about making tarts, this is how I do it.
First I take about...
Check out my friend Nikki's new selling blog!! You will love her stuff!!
She's a great gal and has won...