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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Bunnies, Bunnies, Bunnies

I have been cutting, sewing, stuffing bunnies for my craft shows in March.  I am getting antsy to get back to doing shows! I can'twait. Last year every bunny I had sold so I am trying to double what I have .
Does anyone know anything about Google changing and not using google friends anymore for followers? I read somewhere that we may all be losing those that we follower and that those that follow my blog because they are changing?????? I sure hope not! I wish I had more computer skills but unfortunately I don't.


  1. I can see why all of your bunnies sold out. They are super adorable!

  2. a lot of people are switching over to this
    I have it downloaded but not sure about it just yet, your bunnies are awsome!Spring shows don't do good around here so mine start up around Sept, have a great time at the show!

  3. these are all just too adorable! I have a few that I made my daughter many years ago that I have kept.
